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CARBONICIAN carbon rims advantage 3: basalt brake surface


When riding a bike, if brakes in the right way and braking short time, the normal carbon fiber brake surface candeal with the heat and works ok. but in long time braking, especialy in down riding, you have to hold the brake continiusly,it will creat much heat and mmuch higher temperature, the heat will melt the regin and possibly will wear out the carbon fiber track.

In order to handing the high temperature, we use basalt brake surface on the rims braking track.
Baslat material can anti high temperature 160-210 degree, it can slower the wheel's speed soon and stop the bike in shorter time, and would not tear or wear out the brake track.

Our rims with basalt brake surface:


Other rims with normal brake surface:

Rims with normal brake surface are wear out:


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Address: Floor 5th, No.32th, DongKeng She,XinDian Town, XiangAn District, Xiamen, Fujian, China.
Contact:Jerry Young; Email:sales@carbonician.com; Cell:0086-15880216756